Blog Entry 5b: Introduction of Big Data

Big data is a more and more universal concept used in different circumstances. This part will provide a brief introduction of big data.

According to Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick (2016), the concept big data refers to using different analysing technologies and systems for digging large amount of data. In marketing, big data has three dimensions, data volume, data velocity and data variety.

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Source: Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2016. Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice (Vol. 6). Harlow: Pearson.

Data volume means the size of data, which may often reach Terabyte. Data velocity refers to how fast marketers can access to big data, like in real-time. Data variety refers to different types of data from different sources. All these three elements of big data can increase vision for more communications by using technologies like social customer media.

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Big data is not only a new approach for data collection and analysis, but also a revolution for management. As McAfee et al (2012) states, applying big data can improve company if they can manage the change in following parts. Leadership, companies’ leaders need to set clear goal of success, and the leaders need to understand changing era to effectively handle different stakeholders. Talent management. The companies need to develop talents who are data scientists. Technology, companies need to handle new technologies for big data, and IT staff also may handle internal and external sources of data. Decision making, in the era of big data, company leaders and other people should not only understand problem-solving skills but also should exploit problem to solve. Company culture, companies will remove bad habits and make better decision.

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There are also some challenges and problems of big data. Kata et al (2013) indicates some issues caused by big data. The first is privacy and security. Personal information will leak, which is negative to privacy protection, and some underprivileged may be easily identified or being discriminated. Another issue is data access and sharing of information, ensuring the accuracy of data is more difficult since much more data needed to be classified, and it might be awkward for companies to share information due to security issue. Thirdly, storing and transporting data is also not an easy work since it will take long time to store and transport data from internet, and backup data also requires more attention. There are also other issues like analysing methods for best results, skills requirement for expertise and technology challenge.



Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2016. Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice (Vol. 6). Harlow: Pearson.

McAfee, A., Brynjolfsson, E., Davenport, T.H., Patil, D.J. and Barton, D., 2012. Big data: the management revolution. Harvard business review, 90(10), pp.60-68.

Katal, A., Wazid, M. and Goudar, R.H., 2013, August. Big data: issues, challenges, tools and good practices. In Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2013 Sixth International Conference on (pp. 404-409). IEEE.

Blog Entry 5a: advice for soical media marketing strategies

To promote a sport brand on the online store, there are several social media marketing strategies can use.

Firstly, target marketing analysis. It is advised to make a survey about sports products’ target customers. The survey can be made through internet questionnaire, or through customers’ feedback. Their age, gender, preferred brands (assume the seller is a retailer), most acceptable prices, most use social media and other issues are all should be considered. The target marketing research is to analyse and make sure the most important customers. In normal circumstances, the target customers should be young people like students and sports fans.

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(an advertising bar for sports-related gear from

Secondly, advertising. The advertising is the most important approach for promotion. It is also important to choose suitable platform for advertising to maximize advocation. One suggestion is that the seller can cooperate with some famous internet sports media for advertising. Some sports forum like reddit or HUPU (in China) provide side advertising bar for commercial promoting.

Thirdly, online social media promoting tools. The seller should select different social media online to advocate his brand and activity. If he is in Australia, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are all recommended media to increase the influence of the brand. Local online social media are more recommended. If he is in China, local social media like Weibo should also be used, but those blocked media should not be considered.

Fourth, establishing a customer manage system. To establish a better connection with customers, the sellers should contact customers through personal social media. They should have regular newsletters and promotion news to send to customers media like email, Wechat or Whatsapp.  If possible, the seller can develop an app for mobile phone use to provide new information and establish seller to customer connection. They should also collect customers’ feedback and opinions to improve their products or selling.  The seller also needs to keep tracking with customers to know their opinions.

Fifth, investigate rivals and learn through their strategies. New entries may face the problem of inexperience, and one good suggestion is that learn from the rival. The seller should investigate rivals’ competing strategy on internet, learn their promotion strategy like a better official website design with more function, or endorsement by celebrities. To learn through competitors, the seller can find out the strength and weakness of his brand, and make a more targeted strategy like special sales in different time about different products.


Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2016. Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice (Vol. 6). Harlow: Pearson.

Blog Entry 4b: E-CRM analysis of Horrible Histories

4b. Analyse E-CRM activities of your favourite Australian TV show (International students can select a TV show from your home country)

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(Source: The official website of Horrible Histories in ABC)

Horrible History is an English sketch comedy TV show for history introduction. It was made by BBC. It was a long time welcomed TV program.  The show is a children program by introducing history celebrates and events through Stone Age to after World War II. It was also introduced by ABC in Australia.

The E-CRM refers to electronic customer relationship management. According to Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick (2016), the E-CRM involves creating strategies and plans for how digital technology and digital data can support CRM. The scope of E-CRM includes using the website and online  social presences for customer development, managing customer profile information and email list, managing customer contact options through mobile, email and social networks, data mining to improve targeting, mass customisation, online customer service facilities, managing online service quality, and multichannel customer experience.

We can analyse the E-CRM activities of the TV show as follows.

Horrible Histories is sub program in BBC, like many programs, it also has online customer development work. It has different online media to communicate with customers. Examples are including official website, YouTube, Twitter and Blog.

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Since Horrible History is a documentary style program, so they do not like other business advertising or talent show programs with strong customer interaction.  Customers can watch the programs through online BBC media iplayer, and the “my programmes” requires customers to log-in, their watch history can also help customers to save their watching histories.

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Horrible Histories also collect data from customers. They provide survey for data collection and mining. The questions include customers’ satisfactory rate of every series, song and special actor. With these detailed data mining and management, it is believed that the TV series makers can figure out their strength and weakness that needs to improved.

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Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2016. Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice (Vol. 6). Harlow: Pearson.


Blog Entry 4a

Blog Entry 4

4a. Briefly summarise the implications of the internet on each element of the marketing mix (Consider 4 Ps)

The marketing mix refers to Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

For Product, internet provides chances for varying the core product through new information-based services and also the extended product should be reviewed.

For Price, the internet leads to price transparency and commoditisation and hence lower prices. Dynamic pricing gives the ability to test prices or to offer differential pricing for different segments or in response to variations in demand. New pricing models such as auctions are available.

For Place, it refers to place of purchase and channel structure on the internet. There are three main locations for e-commerce transactions: seller site, buyer site and intermediary. New channel structures are available through direct sales and linking to new intermediaries. Steps must be taken to minimise channel conflict.

For promotion, it refers to how marketing communications are used to inform customers and other stakeholders about an organization and its products. The internet offers a new additional marketing communications channel to inform customers of the benefits of a product and assist in the buying decision.



Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2016. Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice (Vol. 6). Harlow: Pearson.


Blog entry 3b: Discussion

Blog entry 3b

‘Setting long-term strategic objectives for a website is unrealistic since the rate of change in the marketplace is so rapid’. Discuss.

This opinion is incorrect.

There is no doubt that internet world is changing fast. But behind the website is the real company with a real staff, strategic target, products or services and facing the market competition from other rivals.

Therefore, the essence of website company is unchanged, it is still a company. If a company has ambition to be not only survival but also successful, they must establish long-term strategic goals.

The long-term strategic goals should be the core of a company’s operation tendency and motivation. It shows a vision to staff and stakeholders. With clear target, the company’s managers can establish their plan and operation target. It is also a method to keep staff and motivate them with a shared promising future.

Many analysis approaches are connected with long-term strategy. For example, the SWOT analysis provides four different aspects for analysing a company and setting their targets. Including Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat, the SWOT analysis reflects that a company must examine these elements to figure out companies’ abilities, chances and risks. Company can have a better understanding about their positions on the market and potentials to reach in future. It helps company to set long-term targets.

Another example is Porter’s Five Force analysis, which refers to five forces in the market, bargain powers from suppliers and buyers, new entrees threats, substitutes’ threats, and competitors. With this analysis, it also reflects the importance of long-term strategy. For example, long term strategies can give suppliers a better confidence, and establish a better reputation in consumers. Besides, through setting long-term strategy, company can have better view about change of environment, like government policy, competitors, and international market change.

Therefore, even though it is website, the target and objectives of website companies are still unchanged. They may need to be more frequently adjust the long-term target to suit the requirements from customers and market, but it does not mean long-term strategies are no longer important.  On the contrary, website company may need to pay more attention on long-term strategy to survive in internet, such a fiercer competition.



Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2016. Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice (Vol. 6). Harlow: Pearson.

Blog Entry 3a Case Study: the success of Netflix

Blog Entry 3a

Case Study: the success of Netflix

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Video rental market in America used to be dominated by Blockbuster in 1990’s, which was the world’s greatest video tape retailer.  However, its dynasty ended in 2008 due to the impact of Netflix, and Blockbuster also bankrupted. This case study will review how Netflix grew up to become the new giant in video market and defeat Blockbuster.

The most important reason is that Netflix keeps chasing innovation into operation to increase customers’ experience. Netflix used to be a small video company in America since late 1990’s. But the company tried many different approaches to improve customers’ experience and applying new information technology for internet era.

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Unlike Blockbuster with thousands of physical stores in the world, Netflix decided to operate most of its business based on internet. When customers were still spending long time to search on shelves to find movie tapes, Netflix develop an innovation called Cinematch. It is an algorithm software program which can help Netflix’s registered users to select and recommend movies based on their watching history. In the year 2000, it was an advanced innovation to save customers time for selecting movie tapes in physical stores. Netflix not only attempted new algorithm in movie selection, but also successfully introduced online streaming technology as new media in 2007, to replace traditional DVD rental model. Customers did not have to purchase DVD and wait for delivery, they can directly download movies they want from Netflix official website, and there was no traditional late return punishment.


On the other hand, Blockbuster still followed its traditional marketing approaches, opening new physical stores, renting DVDs, earning revenues mainly from late return fines. It was until 2007 that Blockbuster realized the importance of new technology. But they still failed to accept concept like online streaming, and pay attention to compete with other giant retailers like Walmart. These caused the bankruptcy of Blockbuster in 2012.

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Compared with Blockbuster, Netflix still keeps chasing innovation, they even start to enter new area, by producing their own TV shows or movies like The House of Card, which won huge reputation for them.  Now it become one of the most influential online streaming media in the world.



Villas, R. (2017). A Brief History of Netflix. [online] Available at: [Accessed 08 Sep 2018].

Netflix Media Center. (2018). About Netflix. [online] Available at: [Accessed 08 Sep 2018].

Guina, R. (2017). Blockbuster vs. Netflix – Best Service for Movies [online] Available at:  [Accessed 08 Sep 2018].

Blog Entry 2a: Customer Experience in Amazon

Blog Entry 2a

Customer Experience in Amazon

As the global giant internet store, Amazon has been improving its customer experience to satisfy buyers. According to Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick (2016), elements like information processing, perceived ease of use, perceived benefits, perceived control, skill, trust and risk, and enjoyment can affect customers’ confidence to keep connect with digital seller. Based on these antecedents, the following part will analyse Amazon’s customer service.

Information processing

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Information processing refers to information provided to customers which will affect their future choices. Amazon has great information processing ability, since it applies recommendations. Based on internet user’s browsing history, Amazon will automatically select recommended products to customers.  The application helps customers to find related products they like and motivate them to continue shopping on Amazon.

Perceived ease of use & usefulness

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These antecedents refer to digital convenience, like applications on other devices and digital offers for daily life.  Amazon preinstalls its apps on many Android mobile systems and tablets. Besides, Amazon also has special offers everyday named Today’s Deals, by promoting products with discounted prices.

Perceived benefits

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This element refers to digital offer that can give customer a rewarding feeling positively, so they can support the online brand. Amazon provides a special service named Prime. With 30-day free trial, customers will gain benefits including free delivery, watching Amazon Originals like American Gods, reading thousands of e-books, free games, and downloading movies and TV exclusives. Such plan can attract customers so they can be encouraged.


Perceived control & Skills

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These elements refer to customers ability to access to technology for shopping. What Amazon does is that they simplify products with detailed categories, including powerful searching engine. Customers can easily master these skills and start shopping.

Trust and Risk

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This element refers to whether customers can be free from fear of risks like financial, social and personal privacy.  Amazon has a blameless privacy protection. Customers can not only track their products when delivering, but also can connect with Amazon to keep their information being secured.


There is no doubt that shopping experiencing on Amazon is an enjoyment. Though in some circumstances, product out of stock may leads to longer delivery time like even months, and customers have to wait for longer time. Such disadvantage will not give customers a feeling of enjoyment.


Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2012. Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice (Vol. 5). Harlow: Pearson.

Blog Entry 1b: Five Is about TopBuy

Blog Entry 1b

Five Is about TopBuy


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Interactivity refers to communication between company and customers.  TopBuy has detailed classification on products based on functions, brands, size, colour, price, and other features. This helps customers easily find what they want. Besides, TopBuy has its Facebook homepage, also allows buyers to communicate with them.


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Intelligence refers to company collect and analyse data to assist their business goals. Due to TopBuy’s simple style homepage, it is difficult to point out their intelligence work. But they still have market information collecting, and the proof is that they always have promotion on different products. Setting promotion products with discounted prices usually depends on their selling figures in last period.


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TopBuy also have individualized settings. After logging in, customers can find their personal detailed information and order history are all saved. They do not need to write their address or contact details again when purchasing another product.


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Integration means using different social media to convenience customers. In TopBuy, customers can register an account or login with Facebook account.

 Independence of location

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As an online shop, TopBuy focuses on Australian customers. Buyers can still access to their website through computer, and finish purchasing online.

This is all Five Is analysis on TopBuy company.

Blog Entry 1a: The evaluation of online business TopBuy

Blog Entry 1a

The evaluation of online business TopBuy.

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TopBuy is an online shopping company located in Sydney. It is a comprehensive retailer store. It mainly towards Australian customers, providing 30,000 products from oversea goods to local brands. TopBuy categories products as clothing, footwear, kids, home and living, health and beauty, electronics, stationery, outdoor, sporting, travel, pets and other different kinds. They also use in-site email or telephone to contact customers.

Business Model  

Unlike other online stores such as ebay or Taobao, which offer trade platform for customers, TopBuy is a B2B and B2C company. They purchase from suppliers for large amount of goods, and stores in warehouse, and then sell to needed customers on their website. TopBuy is also a typical E-shop business. As Timmers (1999) states, E-shop is a Web marketing of a shop or a company, it also involves promotion, cost-reduction and additional outlet. Customers can register an account or login with their Facebook account, to make an order. They accept VISA, Paypal, Mastercard and other payment methods, then the goods will be delivered through EMS or Australia Posts.

Revenue Model

According to Kumar (2014), an online company may have revenue models like advertising, freemium or e-commerce. E-commerce help company to save costs on physical store, and company can offer goods with lower prices. TopBuy does not have additional position for advertising on their home page, what they offer to customers is just products with brands, categories, and promotion prices. It can be concluded that TopBuy’s revenue model is pure e-commerce. They establish this online shopping website and operation their business based on the website to sell products. They earn revenue through selling.

TopBuy is a survivor compared with big e-companies like Amazon in Australia. Their straightforward business style and lower price strategy still helps them to survive in such a fierce market.


Timmers, P., 1998. Business models for electronic markets. Electronic markets, 8(2), pp.3-8.

Kumar, A. (2014). The ultimate master list of revenue models used by Web and Mobile companies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2018].